Carpet/Couch Cleaning Service

Carpet/Couch Cleaning Services

What is it:

Carpets and couches are with no doubts one of the most difficult parts of a home to keep clean through the time. That is one of the reasons why it is always recommended to do a carpet and couch cleaning service one or two times per year.
Our service combines two technologies to achieve the best results cleaning carpets, rugs and couches. If you do not know about it, we will explain to you a little bit of this.
The first technology used is called “ injection – extraction”, and it operates by first spraying a unique cleaner designed for the machine onto the carpet. This cleaner does not create foam and penetrate into the fibbers. After that, the machine immediately sucks the cleaner back in, along with any dirt or grime it has loosened from the carpet fibbers. To improve the results of it, we also used a steam cleaning technique in specific areas of the carpet which needed more attention to enhance the results.

After this process your carpets and couches will be clean to be enjoyed for you and your family.
Through this process, the fibbers of your couches and carpets are deeply cleaned, removing dust and stains. Additionally, the use of hot water and steam effectively kills all bacteria, mites, allergens, and germs on these surfaces.
Is always good to remember that this kind of cleaning service enhances the durability of these items in your house, avoiding you having to re-buy furniture or re-carpet your floors for years.

Needed Equipment:

We will provide all necessary products, tools, and equipment to complete the task to the highest standard.


You can book this service whenever you prefer. However, we highly recommend cleaning your couches and carpets once or twice a year to keep them in the best condition.

Book This Service


Air Freshener $1.00
Armor All Tires $2.00
Gleam Polish Wax $4.00
Extra Vcuuming $5.00 & Up
Mats Brush Cleaned $1.00
Trunk and Cargo Vacuuming By Estimate
Convertible Tops Cleaned By Estimate
Vinyl Tops Cleaned and Dressed By Estimate

How Does it Operate?

Our professional carpet and upholstery cleaning process is straightforward and highly effective.

Step 1: Surface Inspection
Our carpet and couch cleaning experts will inspect all surfaces that need to be cleaned upon arrival at your home.

Step 2: Clear Area
Our team will ensure the area is free of objects and furniture. Please note, we do not move heavy furniture, so ensure the area is clear in advance.

Step 3: Deep Vacuuming
This crucial step involves deeply vacuuming the carpet to remove all soils, preparing it for a thorough clean.

Step 4: Pre-Treatment
For any spots or stains, we will apply pre-treatment products to enhance the cleaning effectiveness of our machines.

Step 5 Cleaning Process
We use a steam cleaning and injection-extraction machine to deeply clean the fibbers of your carpet and upholstery.

Step 6: Drying
Post-cleaning, the carpets and couches may remain wet for 4 to 8 hours. For optimal results, we recommend allowing them to dry for approximately one day, avoiding use during this period.

After this process, you will enjoy a clean, disinfected home with fresh, revitalized air.



Do You Need Anything Else?

Please visit our ‘Extra Services’ page to discover what additional assistance we can offer you


Recommendations for enhancing your service and achieving even greater results

To make the most of our Carpet and Couch Cleaning Service, please prepare yourself and your home before your cleaner arrives:
1. Inform Us of Special Conditions: If your carpets or couches have any special conditions or unique fibbers, please let our team know in advance. This helps us prevent any potential issues.
2. Identify Specific Stains: Inform our experts of any specific stains that need special attention. This allows us to target and treat those areas more effectively.
3. Clear the Area: Ensure all areas to be cleaned are free of objects and furniture. Our equipment may not reach spaces under furniture, so we recommend clearing these areas to ensure a thorough cleaning.
4. Allow Drying Time: After the cleaning process, avoid walking on the carpets or sitting on the couches. We recommend allowing them to dry for around one day to achieve the best results. Please plan your space and time accordingly.
5. Prepare Your Home: Cleaners work more efficiently when the workspace is clear of people and pets. We suggest organizing your home and family to provide ample space for our cleaners to work effectively.

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We created “Neat Choice” with an ambitious vision: to be a company that takes care of our customers’ homes in every possible way.


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